What is your intention for today and are you actively living each day on purpose?
Each new day is filled with amazing opportunities and if we have the mindset that brings awareness, we are able to see those opportunities and make the very best of each day.
How much do you enjoy each day?
Do you reach the end of your working day feeling that you haven’t really achieved that much?
Do you spend your time watching the clock and feeling like the clock is getting slower by the second?
Or do you feel like there is never enough time in a day to get everything done?
When we set an intention each day, set a goal and focus on achieving the outcome that we want for the day, it helps us get a lot more done.
We get more enjoyment, we feel like we are an important part of the team and that we are living our day on purpose.
We see the opportunities around us that will help us achieve our goal and fulfil our intention.
We also don’t experience so much overwhelm because setting a goal for the day helps us prioritise and not get distracted by unimportant things.
When 5 o’clock comes around, we start the journey home with an amazing sense of achievement, feeling totally satisfied with our work and telling ourselves how much we love our job.
How would you prefer to be experiencing your working days?
We spend so much time at work, wouldn’t you prefer to be enjoying your days to the maximum?
What is your intention for today and how will you know you have achieved it?
Coaching can assist you to step up to another level and create change in all areas of your life.
For your complimentary 30 minute telephone evaluation session contact success@debjohnstone.com.au or call 0408 004 670